ofdm_modulated_data = ofdm_mod(reshaped_modulated_data, pilot_data); %% OFDM modulation
[faded_data, channel_path_gain] = mimo_fading_channel(ofdm_modulated_data); %% Adding fading effect on the data symbols
transmitted_data = faded_data;
signal_power = 10*log10(var(transmitted_data)); %% Calculating signal power
noise_variance = (10.^(0.1.*(signal_power - snr_dB))) * noise_factor; %% Calculating noise variance
recevied_data = awgn_channel(transmitted_data, noise_variance); %% Passing the transmitted data symbols through AWGN channel
%%% OFDM Demodulation
ofdm_demodulated_data = ofdm_demod(recevied_data);
[len, ~, ~] = size(ofdm_demodulated_data);
ofdm_demodulated_data = ofdm_demodulated_data((margin + 1):(len - margin), :, :);
%%% OFDM Demodulation
%%% Initializing channel estimation parameter
channel_estimation_parameter.N_r_blk = N_r_blk;
channel_estimation_parameter.N_subc = N_subc;
channel_estimation_parameter.N_sym_sub = N_sym_sub;
channel_estimation_parameter.N_tant = N_tant;
channel_estimation_parameter.N_rant = N_rant;
channel_estimation_parameter.fft_length = fft_length;
channel_estimation_parameter.cyclic_prefix_length = cyclic_prefix_length;
channel_estimation_parameter.path_delay = path_delay;
channel_estimation_parameter.sampling_frequency = sampling_frequency;
channel_estimation_parameter.channel_path_gain = channel_path_gain;
channel_estimation_parameter.number_of_paths = number_of_paths;
channel_estimation_parameter.data_subcarrier_indices = data_subcarrier_indices;
%%% Initializing channel estimation parameter
channel_estimation_matrix = Ideal_Channel_Estimation(channel_estimation_parameter); %% Getting channel estimation matrix
%%% Preparing the ofdm demodulated data symbols for equalization purpose
processed_ofdm_demodulated_data = complex(zeros(N_r_blk * N_subc * N_sym_sub, N_rant));
for i=1:N_rant
tmp = ofdm_demodulated_data(:, :, i);
tmp = reshape(tmp, N_r_blk * N_subc * N_sym_sub, 1);
processed_ofdm_demodulated_data(:, i) = tmp;
%%% Preparing the ofdm demodulated data symbols for equalization purpose
if eq_mode == 1
equalized_data = ZF_Equalize(processed_ofdm_demodulated_data, channel_estimation_matrix);
elseif eq_mode == 2
equalized_data = MMSE_Equalize(processed_ofdm_demodulated_data, channel_estimation_matrix, noise_variance);
reshaped_equalized_data = equalized_data(:); %% Collapsing OFDM demodulated data symbols
demodulated_data = demodulator_hard(reshaped_equalized_data); %% Demodulating
viterbi_decoded_data = viterbi_decoder(demodulated_data); %% Decoding the data bits using convolutional decoder
viterbi_useful_data = viterbi_decoded_data(1:(N_bits_pframe + crc_bit)); %% Filtering the decoded data bits
[crc_decoded_data, frame_error] = step(crc_24_detector, viterbi_useful_data); %% Detecting frame error using CRC detector
%%% Counting error frames as well as total frames
if frame_error == 1
cnt2 = cnt2 + 1;
cnt1 = cnt1 + 1;
%%% Counting error frames as well as total frames